About Community
This EE forum is the space for sensible Evfans who can keep the rule and manners.
Please cooperate each other, so that you can enjoy yourself.
Keep moderation, although we don't limit the write-in theme to Evanescence
When it is not concerned with the contents but the moderator judges on printing that it is inappropriate and may not notify you but it may delete.

Although there are no contents which take cautions on youth, in order to prevent a trouble, based on a law "youth protection training regulations", the contents will restrict participating age.
Under 13 years old
You may not post message on every forums and take part in offline meeting.

Under 16 years old
If you enter "EE forum", you need your guardian's concent in advance.
If you take part in offline meeting, you must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian, or representative of them(over 18).

Under 18 years old
If you take part in offline meeting, you need your guardian's concent in advance.
When you take part in offline meeting, you must get home by 10PM.

Screen Name
Do not use another member's name. Either you may not use Evanescence's member's name.

SNS mixi's community "Evanescence"
EE affiliates with mixi's community "Evanescence"(JP). If you have a account for mixi, utilize your experience.

Notice: Only "EE Forum" belongs to our site EE.
update:Feb/2012 Mitz